Film Maker 1.8

Rank 26,702 out of 61,556 in WarCraft 3
This map is part of the Film Maker 1.8 project.
A newer version of this map, NARUTO:忍者村大战[v1.133], is available.

User Comments

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  • In response to Film Maker 1.8

    Great map! The ultimate movie maker for Warcraft 3. Has everything necessary to make a good movie for your audience (you can control camera angles, conjure up all kinds of terrain, pretype text and then simply press esc to show during movie, etc)

    The only major gripe I have with this is the selection bug. However that can be easily overcome by selecting a gate or some sort of non movie unit (walls from scenario builder help, clicking buildings might make this flag noise all the time)

    However I HIGHLY recommend getting Film Maker 2. Although it doesn't get rid of the bug it gives you A LOT more room to make an outstanding movie and plus many new features and can be found:

    Lordaeron (U.S. West)

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