WarCraft 3 Tag Cloud
Tags are keywords and are used much like categories. The main difference is the user, that's you, gets to choose the proper keywords. Below is a cloud of the most popular tags. The larger the size of the tag, the more often it has been used.
1)ark 13attleships 2v2 Naruto Orc [t]art africa alliance anc anime aos arena assault awesome badass battle battleships bbr best blackrock bleach blood blood elves boer boss bosses bull bulls bunny burning legion campaign castle cat centaur challenge chaos chase christmas chunin chuunin cinematics cooperative corruption custom darkness death defence defense demon destroy district 9 dota draenei duel duke easter egg elf elves enfo enfos epic event exam fairy fbf fight focs footmen forest forsaken forsaken bastion frenzy fun game games goblin god godlike grand grand chase greed hero hero arena hero survival heroes hope horde human hunter hunter vs hunted hunters iii items jim7777 jiwalv jurassicpark kaninhot katho king knight leaf legendary malema manto map marine master_minhduc maul melee mini mini-game moo mouse naga nathar neatherland new night ninja one onepiece orcs orpg piece pirates player playing pokemon poverty pro psycho pvp race races racing rampage redux revive risk role royal rpg rts rugby sand sasuke satire satyr shark sharks sheep shikamarushadow shinobi shippuuden ships siege single sound south spell stage strategic strategy survival survivor tag tail talent tart tarts team teamplay test the tower tree troll tuskarr two undead uther vampirism war warcraft warcraft 3 wars wc3 wdx winter wintermaul wolf wolf's world worldtree wow zacharias zeheroth zombie zuma
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