Upload a WarCraft 3 Map

If you were logged in you would gain 14 XP for submitting a new map.

Nibbits will automatically retrieve most information out of your map file, such as the number of players, the author, and a screenshot. All you need to do is upload the map file, and add some keywords (tags) to help users find the map.

Map Information

You are submitting this map as a new version of DotUv1.5.4. (Submit as a Old Version | Remove Map Association)

If you were logged in you could claim ownership of your maps.

Must be less than 10mb in size.
Choose from 15 ( current 9 ) unique heroes in an epic battle to defend respectively to destroy the undead land.

More information at www.playDotU.com
(Optional) If you don't fill in a description we will automatically generate one.
Tags are keywords which help users find your map. They are single words, and you may simply separate them with a space.
You may also optionally select up to 3 categories to place your map in.

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