Lazerus TD 6.0b (Overall: Average) mecatronic 6 My review for Lazerus TD 5.0:
It's nice to have a chance to review an innovative td during its early stages, and to have a chance to see it impr... |
Dark Invasion II v2.14 (Overall: Excellent) mecatronic 6 My review of Dark Invasion II v2.14
Dark Invasion is not just another ORPG like many others that simply fills the map area with a few cities and... |
ST's War TD (Overall: Average) mecatronic 6 My review for ST's War TD 1.00e:
During the loading, the player has a Loading Screen full of text, which is nice. Although I felt that it was a ... |
Fortress Survival Alpha 4.80 (Overall: Average) mecatronic 6 My review of Fortress Survival Alpha 4.80
I've been following this map for some time now, and it's one of those maps that I always check the new... |
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Deal Or No Deal 1.0 (Overall: Excellent) guldan 5 First of all, sorry for my bad English.
Ok, this game is actually copying the popular TV show called Deal or No Deal. It lets you play the game ... |
Kingdom of Chaos AI v1.24b (Overall: Excellent) guldan 5 First of all, the game title is cool! How do you think of this title?
By the way, this game is very special. The whole objective is to kill the ... |
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Fight Of Characters 7.7b F (Overall: Terrible) mayview 3 Although this game is very famous, there are many factors that caused me don't like this game.
The tooltips are all non-english, making the play... |
FuZors TD (Overall: Good) mb53 5 This TD is pretty dang good. There are only a few towers that your builder can build, but there are over 50 that you can make. Unlike a lot of TDs... |
DotA Allstars (Overall: Terrible) steventhk 3 Belows are the reasons that I think this map sucks.
Game play:
The game almost always lasts a bit too long even in Easy Mode. It is asymmetric ... |
2P Campaign: Undead 04 (Overall: Excellent) goflux 7 For those of you who played the campaign and liked it, i garuntee that you will love this map. It follows the campaigns very well, and the custom ... |
2P Campaign: Undead 03 (Overall: Excellent) goflux 7 For those of you who played the campaign and liked it, i garuntee that you will love this map. It follows the campaigns very well, and the custom ... |
2P Campaign: Undead 02 (Overall: Excellent) goflux 7 For those of you who played the campaign and liked it, i garuntee that you will love this map. It follows the campaigns very well, and the custom ... |
2P Campaign: Undead 01 (Overall: Excellent) goflux 7 For those of you who played the campaign and liked it, i garuntee that you will love this map. It follows the campaigns very well, and the custom ... |
2P Campaign: Human 10 (Overall: Excellent) goflux 7 For those of you who played the campaign and liked it, i garuntee that you will love this map. It follows the campaigns very well, and the custom ... |
2P Campaign: Human 09 (Overall: Excellent) goflux 7 For those of you who played the campaign and liked it, i garuntee that you will love this map. It follows the campaigns very well, and the custom ... |
2P Campaign: Human 08 (Overall: Excellent) goflux 7 For those of you who played the campaign and liked it, i garuntee that you will love this map. It follows the campaigns very well, and the custom ... |
2P Campaign: Human 06 (Overall: Excellent) goflux 7 For those of you who played the campaign and liked it, i garuntee that you will love this map. It follows the campaigns very well, and the custom ... |
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World Of Warcraft Reanimated 2.0 (Overall: Excellent) goflux 7 This map is an Open Role Playing game, It is based on World of Warcraft During the Frozen Throne, the playable characters are not lore-related, the... |
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World Of Warcraft Reanimated 2.34G (Overall: Good) goflux 7 This map is an Open Role Playing game, It is based on World of Warcraft During the Frozen Throne, the playable characters are not lore-related, the... |
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World Of Warcraft Reanimated 3.5 (Overall: Good) goflux 7 This map is an Open Role Playing game, It is based on World of Warcraft During the Frozen Throne, the playable characters are not lore-related, the... |
YouTD (Overall: Excellent) ZEEP 13 This is the best TD simply.
No other TD has towers with such unique abilities,towers with levels,damage types and items.
Not to mention the rando... |
Rabbits vs. Sheep 1.0.62 (Overall: Excellent) ZEEP 13 The unique thing about this map is the system for the sheeps and rabbits.Each killed means two more from your side, and when they get a lot you hav... |
Shonen Wars v1.6 (Overall: Excellent) ZEEP 13 Shonen Wars has so many heros too chose from,every one of them with unique model,spells,icons including the creeps and much better interface than ... |
Shonen Wars v1.7c (Overall: Excellent) ZEEP 13 With the new version comes new unique heros with more spells more balance and many new things.
I can say this is the beginning of excellent map ju... |
Jurassic Park War 0.4d2 (Overall: Excellent) ZEEP 13 The reason Jurassic Park is such a succesfull map is the desire for survival in most games.In this game we face the prehistoric creatures,with just... |