Mascotshows: Only $132.26 for Unique Panda Costumes on Hallowmas Party
In order to celebrate the Hallowmas, the most characteristic Panda mascot costume company Mascotshows prepared to offer you the cheapest panda costumes. There is a unique Promotion take place from September 1st, 2013 - Oct 30th, 2013.
Buy cheapest panda costume with the code "hallowmascots", about $132.26 per one suit; What's more,Get extra elegant present to our every honorific Customers will choose one luckiest buyer after the promotion ends, and the buyer can get the highest prize - iPhone 5.
In order to celebrate the Hallowmas, the most characteristic Panda mascot costume company Mascotshows prepared to offer you the cheapest panda costumes. There is a unique Promotion take place from September 1st, 2013 - Oct 30th, 2013.
Buy cheapest panda costume with the code "hallowmascots", about $132.26 per one suit; What's more,Get extra elegant present to our every honorific Customers will choose one luckiest buyer after the promotion ends, and the buyer can get the highest prize - iPhone 5.
You can visit Our sites to join this promotion:
Happy Hallowmas!