Notifications about the status of streams
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  • Hello,

    If you use Chrome, watch streams and you dislike that every service (which are lots of; moreover, streamers have different priorities on the aforesaid, so everybody streams in different places) seeks to regale your inbox on the every slightest status change, you obviously won’t refuse from the convenient and neat extension for the favourite browser to be aware of the status of favourite streams. Such an extension, as Strine.



    In the pop-up there are three tabs: New, Online and All. Everything's clear with the last two; in the first one there will be streams which are either online since not more than 20 minutes or were offline and then went online.

    1. Desktop Notifications;
    2. Sound Notifications;
    3. Search;
    4. Favourites;
    5. Context menu for adding the streams;
    6. All intervals are personalizable;
    7. Export/Import.

    (Strine in Chrome Webstore.)


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