considdering sciitrainer103
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  • found on nibbits here :

    there has been messed arround with the trainer from someone else then the creater, the trainer creates on launch c:\test\svchost.exe(its system file) so u might not be able to see it until u change the map settings also a registry value to startup was added to make sure the file wil launch together with ur pc in the background.

    i have contacted the creator of the trainer and he has told me there has been tampered with it.
    he also supplied me with the correct link.

    please fix the download. i dont know what the svchost.exe does, but it cant be good...


    Registered User
  • christophefound on nibbits here :

    there has been messed arround with the trainer from someone else then the creater, the trainer creates on launch c:\test\svchost.exe(its system file) so u might not be able to see it until u change the map settings also a registry value to startup was added to make sure the file wil launch together with ur pc in the background.

    i have contacted the creator of the trainer and he has told me there has been tampered with it.
    he also supplied me with the correct link.

    please fix the download. i dont know what the svchost.exe does, but it cant be good...


    i am gona turn off this tool untill the creator contact us or other users with something workable and safe!

    thank you for the heads up.

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