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  • *sigh* yes they are. See this:

    dcramerwormer, it's because you're on the map page, rather than the new project pages.

    Again, we're still on an early draft of this new system, and I hope to have it to where there's much less "wtf" very soon :)

    As of right now, the only way you can get at project links:

    1. Via the "Browse" view
    2. Via the main maps page
    3. Via "Your Maps" in account

    As soon as I have time (maybe this weekend) I'll be tweaking the search so it can do both projects (default) and maps (including old versions).

    Btw, here's a page which shows the astrogears maps (with links):

    Still can't figure it out? Tell me the map name and I will find it for you.

    Lordaeron (U.S. West)

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