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  • I really need to get advertisements up and running somewhere, college tuition is really expensive =( and no one likes me to donate =( Though I can't really blame them since its a nasty recession.

    I'd definitely like to see nibbits become one of the definitive blizzard communities, but with large emphasis on the developers.

    (Because really, ladder can only be popular enough to sustain a community for so long, not to mention theres plenty of strategy forums/guides already out there.)

    Take for example, or thehiveworkshop/(wc3c) and how it became a large database of artisits, modelers, terrainers, triggerers, etc. Although it would take many years to attain a level of popularity such as that (with each of those sites being around MUCH longer.)

    I'd still really like to see nibbits become not only a database for quality maps (and not with impossibly-high standards like war3campaigns, which isn't as popular as it used to be.)

    I'd really love to see a unique representation of maybe something like, especially with the onset of sc2 and the returning of many mapmakers, a system that kinda worked like this:

    Developer (Or group of Developers)->
    --->Their Project(s)
    ------>Comments,Suggestions,Bug Reports/Submissions
    ------->"Help wanted" section, perhaps for suggestions, maybe someone needs a graphic artist for a loading screen or a minimap, or maybe a modeler.

    and then finally the non-developer community at large.

    Developer-> Project <-Community

    With the very nice community that nibbits has attracted, I'm sure with enough moderation and the right focus we can really create a stand-out system that caters to developers but also makes the community feel "included

    I haz custom title
    Lordaeron (U.S. West)

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