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  • EXCELLENT point there ST.

    I've always faced my map as a business (since I make a good money from ads and donations) and use the knowledge I got from Engineering College to make the business grow healthy.

    And one of the basic rules of business is planning. One has to know where he's heading to. Nibbits was meant to be a strong database in which players could trust, and that could give support to those who wanted it (not to mention the integration among all blizz games).

    But I got surprised how the Nibbits community grows bigger and healthier every day. Perhaps we might have to review the original plans.

    ...Just to be clear, Nibbits' owner is dcramer and only him. Don't confund moderators with admins.

    Be preparaed for reviews at a whole new level..
    MT Team member
    Azeroth (U.S. East)

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