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  • Some slight tweaks have been made over the last week or so:

    • Community has now replaced People. Right now it shows the main forum index. This will slowly change.
    • A new BBCode parser has been setup. It should now validate your BBCode (mostly just extra closing tags right now) on any bbcode form.
    • Design tweaks, pretty obvious here.
    • Media has now been separated into Images, Videos, and Streams.
    • Forums will now track whether you've viewed posts in a thread, and the "latest post" linking will go to the last unread post. Unread threads (posts) are shown in bold, while read are grayed out.
    • We now track when, and why you gain XP. This will aid us in our contest, but will also let us tweak the top contributors to be a more recent list.
    • Main page has had its recent comments box reduced to 5 entries.
    • Same as above, but with top contributes, 5 entries.
    • StarCraft 2 replays should now parse out players correctly in all situations (as long as its in English, German, French, or Korean).
    • StarCraft 2 replays will now parse even if the map is not present on Nibbits (but still attempts to link it).
    • Streams now order from live to on-demand (not necessarily offline).
    • Moderators now have the ability to move a thread between same-game forums.

    Have feedback about Let me know!
    Lordaeron (U.S. West)

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