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  • dokebiOk. I created the Custom Hero Wars project.

    I uploaded the latest release 1.4d. I then uploaded 1.3h.

    The 1.3h's page doesn't show a note that there's a newer version available, probably because it was uploaded before the project was created. Maps that were uplodaed after the project was created gives a link to 1.4d. This must be fixed.

    Also on the project admin page, there must be a way for the user to organize the list order because currently the maps are listed by order of when they were uplodaed. This can get pretty messys in case of individual maps getting incorporated into projects.

    It appears this is simply because you're not listed as the author of that other map. It will only link maps completely if you're author of both the map and the project.

    Have feedback about Let me know!
    Lordaeron (U.S. West)

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