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  • Please consider my ideas on [link=""]map authors verification[/link] and [link=""]Bnet accounts verification[/link].

    Also, the personal subforum for each project would be a great thing! With a default subthread where all comments go! (This is how I understood Tux, at least.)

    Also, I would like a personal friends list to have a fast access to my buddies :)

    Also, there is a number of unofficial Bnet servers around. You may want to add an option to add the other Bnet servers with accounts as well.

    Also, I don't like how it redirects me to the first page of the thread every time I edit this post ]:< (Sorry if already mentioned above.)

    Also, I support the opinion to have the current page and total number of pages somewhere.

    "I bet at this stage we could code a better Starcraft engine from scratch ourselves. :P" - Tuxlar

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