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  • Lets petition blizz to make all human hosted games cut in line of all bot hosts.

    Actually blizzard CAN'T stop bots (at least not right now), or else they would have done this by now. Bots are specifically designed to bypass Warden.

    Other than that, I don't really have much trouble with bots. Whenever i wanna play castle fight, i host it and it doesn't take much time to fill up. Also, i have a few bots scatterend around the realms hosting enfo's MT and some enfo clans have their own bots running.

    OF COURSE the overall activity has been decreasing over the last years, and bots are more attractive to the casual player than a "human" game, but at least they help those players to keep playing warcraft.

    Be preparaed for reviews at a whole new level..
    MT Team member
    Azeroth (U.S. East)

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