From the Creators of DotA
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  • I have loved DotA for a long time, but for me, the numbers of players was always a limiting factor for my fun. I never seemed to be able to get more than 3 or so other players since I never got my warcraft working with internet. But recently, my friends and I have discovered League of Legends.

    League of Legends is made by the creators of DotA, and is in short, a more balanced, up-to-date, stand-alone version of the game. It is played online, so you will always have a full house when you play. I don't know if everyone already knows about this, but I thought I would mention it since I love it so much.

    So for all of you who love DotA like I did, I would highly recommend LoL

    Jump-start your LoL experience here

    Registered User
  • First yea LoL is something like DotA I tried it but the game itself is too childish and interface sucks.
    It was only fun during the time you study the heros, after that it gets stupid.
    Second you are trying to abuse this site saying you love dota and all shit, and advertise the game, also your referal link will give u points when we register.
    And third most important this site is visited by 5 members max a day so u aint gonna get any points.

    ZEEP 13
  • great me too, i adore it
    but i have a problem in master crafter final conquest 5.4

    Registered User

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