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  • Regis (Rock/Steel/Ice) - Ancient Tablet - Top wall, right of the Laboratory, use on any of the circles inside to summon the corresponding Regi.

    RegiGigas - Have all 3 Regi's in your inventory, and go to the cave in water-area along top wall. Will fuse into RegiGigas.

    Darkrai - New Moon - Bottom-left corner, the spot which puts pokes to sleep, use there.

    Manaphy - Strange Egg - Mid-top, just north of the shop, there's a black-oily pool. Use there.

    Heatran - Flaming Meteor (or some such) - Bottom-fire zone cave, use at the end of it.

    Arceus - Tribute of the Gods - Mid-bot, below shop, is a temple. Enter it, use at top mid by the portals.

    Giratina - Dimensional Distortion - Cave below Arcade, on the platform.

    Deoxys - Meteor Fragment - Use at Power Plant

    Any fossils - It should say what poke it is, and then take it to the bottom-left Fossil Maniac. No need to fight it, either; auto victory!

    Still to confirm

    Lordaeron (U.S. West)

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