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  • This is the cheats
    Invincibility And One-Hit Kills
    Cheat code: whosyourdaddy

    Infinite Mana
    Cheat code: thereisnospoon

    Continue Playing After Losing In Campaign Mode
    Cheat code: strengthandhonor

    Full Map
    Cheat code: iseedeadpeople

    Instant Victory
    Cheat code: allyourbasearebelongtous

    Instant Defeat
    Cheat code: somebodysetusupthebomb

    Your And Allies Heroes Are Level 10
    Cheat code: ihavethepower

    Remove Spell Cool Down
    Cheat code: thedudeabides

    Disable Victory Conditions
    Cheat code: itvexesme

    Gold ; 500 is default
    Cheat code: keysersoze [number]

    Lumber ; 500 is default
    Cheat code: leafittome [number]

    Gold And Lumber ; 500 is default
    Cheat code: greedisgood [number]

    Fast Construction
    Cheat code: warpten

    Fast Death
    Cheat code: iocainepowder

    Cheat code: pointbreak

    Fast Research
    Cheat code: whoisjohngalt

    Cheat code: sharpandshiny

    Tech Tree Unlocked
    Cheat code: synergy

    Set Time To Morning
    Cheat code: riseandshine

    Set Time To Evening
    Cheat code: lightsout

    Set Time Of Day
    Cheat code: daylightsavings [hour]

    Toggle Daylight Progression
    Cheat code: daylightsavings

    Trees Disappear
    Cheat code: abrakadabra

    Level Select
    Cheat code: motherland [race] [level]


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