dokebi 11

Posts from dokebi

*DCRAMER* Win Starcraft 2 Contest
dokebi: Regarding the 2nd contest with authoring, Shouldn't there be a system that lets ppl know wats already been submitted? I don't want to waste time...
Feature Requests
dokebi: giving gifts? for example, on someone's birthday, a german chocolate cake that costs 300 gold to order & recipient earns 100 gold (200 to make t...
Diplomacy Americas v4(2).scx
dokebi: This is renamed vers of v4... aka spam
Spam and the Contest
dokebi: I was on that list, but I deleted it. Can someone tell me how to get 10 tickets? I only have 9, and I've already run out of things to do.
I'm stalked by a Chinese hacker
dokebi: SHADOW_1337 is 1 of the accounts btw. plz ban gdfsgdfg from the site!
Feature Requests
dokebi: I think it would smart to have new users register their birthday date as private data, so that when it is their birthday, nibbits can send them a b...
I'm stalked by a Chinese hacker
dokebi: Well there may be a solution to this. When I release Footmen Frenzy III, could everyone go on a Footy hosting frenzy? The Chinese dud is on b...
I'm stalked by a Chinese hacker
dokebi: Okay then, have fun suffering. O_o this guy may be the chinese dude
I'm stalked by a Chinese hacker
dokebi: nah it's fine.
I'm stalked by a Chinese hacker
dokebi: well if killer2121 isn't chinese then i'm stalked by a different guy. this makes sense b/c killer2121 primarily plays diplo games, and the chinese ...
Feature Request: Redo Feature Request Thread
dokebi: this is unnecessary. they're all good ideas.
5 favorite/best maps on nibbits
dokebi: I second dokebis choices. Map connoisseur. so u've played them? i see u haven't rated any of them though..
Feature Requests
dokebi: btw dcramer u should look at's review system b/c that was a complete fail, and no one pays attention to it anymore. the review syst...
Feature Requests
dokebi: I think BW Map God would be a good staff reviewer. I mean just look at all the rating's and comments hes put out so far ---- btw we should...
I'm stalked by a Chinese hacker
dokebi: This is a list of all the account names that the hacker used . I hope someone here knows wat to do about resolving this problem. ws-slurpee sim...
I'm stalked by a Chinese hacker
dokebi: Custom Hero Wars map was really popular about 2 years ago. Some loser hacked the map and made "3.0," assuming superior version number to the 2.## o...
Feature Requests
dokebi: Thats a very nice idea. Why didn't we think of that b4 lol..
Feature Requests
dokebi: We should have a group of official map reviewers who write featured reviews. I feel that too often map rating is done by buddies within map maki...
Zerg Hunt V1.6.scx
dokebi: lol strupan and l0gun2 have same ip address "guna try it" relly?
Why do you make maps?
dokebi: a lot of times its cuz i get to like certain maps & then find out its rigged & has cheap strategies. so i make my own & just play that.
Looking for Staff (Apply Within)
dokebi: 1) Starcraft & Starcraft 2 2) Being a moderator sounds awesome; I think nibbits has an invaluable niche in allowing ppl to find fun maps to play. ...
awesome pics thread
dokebi: wow... r those colors of lego blocks or paint? paint sounds less appealing
Bug: Failed to rate the map
dokebi: Recently there have been way 2 many zone control maps being uploaded. Would that be classified as spamming?
Virtual Defender.scx
dokebi: How come I cant see my avatar in the ratings?
Diplomacy Africa v2.0.scx
dokebi: Balanced? No way.. You got to figure out all the rigged special units in the game.

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