Sato 6

Posts from Sato

Space defence
Sato: Another Matrix Defense modification, claiming to be its own map. Voting this one zero for being blatantly stolen.
Beacon Defence.scx
Sato: Quite a few interesting ideas here. This is actually a really good map. But there are glaring faults, such as the difficulty being insanely hig...
Circle Defense!.scx
Sato: Kind of a fun map. The "credit card specials" are a fun idea, but in general, civs come too slowly to get much use out of it. Also, unit balanc...
Lunker Defense
Sato: When I started up this map, all I could think was "..what?"
Maple Defense v2.scx
Sato: The minimap only resembles a maplestory character if you have a lot of imagination. Poorly done. The map itself is not great, but I have seen w...
MC-Sunken Defense.scx
Sato: Another "____ Defense 10-way" clone. Not a whole lot of originality here, I found this one pretty boring.
medieval castle defense
Sato: Not very good, and that's all I have to say about this one.
N-P Defense.scx
Sato: Oh, but a glaring fault: The map title has to be fixed before you can play it on While I've already done this, most users won't think ...
N-P Defense.scx
Sato: Not as bad as the minimap had me believe.
Sato: The name "defense" is misleading, it does not adhere to typical "defense map" ideas, nor do you really even defend anything.
Scattered Defense.scx
Sato: This map is unplayable on The title has characters that render the game unjoinable for any other players, since a recent patch. Thi...
Spin Defense(protected).scm
Sato: I don't see why this map is protected, because I honestly don't see anyone stealing this. Average map.
Sato: Test version or not, this map could -really- use square terrain. Isometrical isn't working here.
Survival Defense V 1.5.scm
Sato: Not very good. Personally, I hated this, and that's really all I have to say.
Super Hard Anti Air Defense.scx
Sato: I'm very displeased with this map. It looks as if it was thrown together in five minutes and does not play much better.
T Defense.scx
Sato: This is actually a pretty good map. It functions, it's not a bland, unoriginal map.. but there are issues. Later on in the game unit lag become...
Swirl Defense v.Final.scx
Sato: I had problems with this map. For one, really just bad balance on the units. For example, normal ghosts for $2 get +2 per upgrade. Whereas her...
Team Trench Defense.scx
Sato: This is a map that could highly benefit from square terrain. Isometrical terrain causes some problems here.
True Turret Defense v1.2.scx
Sato: A rather simple "2v2v2" style Turret Defense map. Personally I did not find this map very enjoyable. The idea is that this is "true" turr...
[Block][Defense] Beta
Sato: I played this map once, but I found it entirely too hard. Not hard in the "good, challenging" way, but hard in the "why am I not getting enough ci...
Looking for sandbox/muckaround map
Sato: You could easily make this map yourself. Go in the editor, set the units to be insta-build, delete the victory/loss trigger, put players on the sa...
April Defense v2.001
Sato: Perfect map. BukanManusia is either lying or a noob; the difficulty is just right -- carefully crafted by one of's best in balance and ...
Desert Strike - vQueenF.scx
Sato: Ripoff of original Desert Strike. Terrible in comparison as well; I'm surprised this map is played. Then again, people still play Speed's rip...
Star Sunken Defense.scx
Sato: Another classic defense map. However, not the ORIGINAL original version. A few of the defensive units have altered stats in this version, but the...
Mind Control Defence[Final].scx
Sato: Classic map. Mind Control Defense has been a popular defense staple since the release of Brood War -- who could resist using a new gimmick to make...

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