Donk 2

Posts from Donk

Upcoming Markup Changes (Cast your vote)
Donk: nice, I like it... it interprets html and displays an inaccurate preview though (as though you can use html inline). Also, no preview shows up when...
Is there a hard comp map?
Donk: There are a couple AIs you can download here: Poulet AI and Starcrack AI
Feedback Thread
Donk: I find this to be the most challenging AI I've faced so far... One comment: I was playing ZvP attacked his choke w/ lings/roaches and sent mutas...
How I change race?
Donk: If you are using a launcher, it should have built in controls to pick race. If not, F10->restart until your race changes.
Terran Reapers
Donk: Been playing around with reapers and I love their ability to hop cliffs. I think it's probably a better build with 2v2, but I've been going 3 rax (...
'some notes regarding sc2 networking' // latency tweak
Donk: interesting post from (Original Post), explains this tweak: Improving Latency As I've mentioned, SC2 uses TCP. TCP is designed ...
Donk: just played w/ zerg and toss AI.. I like it. Nice aggresive expanding for the zerg, but they don't use their first overlord at all... 5/5. I'm gonn...
plz make AI harder plz
Donk: open AIDifficulty.galaxy and read the developer comments. //Change this file to modify the AIs difficulty //Read the comments above each line...
StarCrack AI forum not visible
Donk: oops, should've looked a little harder I guess, I like how you've set it up now.
StarCrack AI forum not visible
Donk: Don't know if it's a level restriction, but I can't get to this forum from the forum dd menu or page... have to follow a link to it. Just a head...
Donk: just updated to patch 6... Playing TvT steppes of war, the AI marched his marines up to my blockade and started destroying the rocks near my bas...
Additional Configurations
Donk: I had a similar question.
Poulet 1v1 -AI(Responsive AI)
Donk: upload it here ? edit: oops I meant here, but it's already done :)
Feature Requests
Donk: pretty minor, but I'd like to be able to login from the main page (textboxes where the current login/register links / logged in sta...
No humans colored in SC2?
Donk: You have got to be kidding me... Just a game dude. Jk. I thought about this too. The solutions seems to pretend that SCVS are native americans...
Which race are you best/worst at?
Donk: I really like to play random, but probably shouldn't. Zerg is my best and favorite. With Terran I feel I don't get to be too creative (maybe not...
Donk: Turdburgler - I haven't looked very closely at the AI scripting, but would it be possible to parse build orders from a .galaxy file, the way the di...
Strategies for V7
Donk: vT: trick the terran AI into lifting off, as it doesn't seem to recover from this (rush him with ground units). Have only played 2 games with v7...
StarCrack AI (Official)
Donk: Played with three ai at Lost Temple. Terran ai was attacked by zerg ai in the beginning and had to take off his command center and wait till zerg l...
AI Creation: Where do I begin?
Donk: Hopefully you have checked back on here and read turdburgler's 'Writing your own Starcraft 2 AI'. With that and the gitorious link, you should be a...
Facts about SCII
Donk: full saturation is 24 miners on mineral and 3 on gas per expo, i believe, but i build additional to pull for next xpo. Right. about the "full s...
Collosus good counter for light units
Donk: I mostly play zerg, but I see potential for the collosus... range upgrade + cliff climbing could make them pretty effective against short range lig...
StarCrack AI (Official)
Donk: nice! can't wait to test out V7. keep up the good work.
SimanAI v0.3.1 - Scrap Station
Donk: I like the fact that you're playing with the AI... but for people who want to play against a solid AI:
Is there a replay parser
Donk: I don't think there is one... I'd say keep checking back with BWChart as it gets closer to launch date or a little after; they'll probably come out...

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