- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Dark Invasion II v2.14
An epic ORPG featuring custom combat system and numerous other features"
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Role Playing (RPG)
- Author:
- Arkan and Pidda
- Filename:
- Dark_Invasion_II_v2.14.w3x
- Project Page:
- Dark Invasion II v2.14
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 3.6 MB
- Overall Rating:
3 / 5 (16 votes, ranked #57) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 10
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 480x480
- Playable Area:
- 480x480
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 10,831
- Downloads (Daily):
- 2 (ranked #130)
- Hosted (Total):
- 490
- Hosted (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- mecatronic 6
- Discovered On:
- March 3, 2010
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Dark Invasion II v2.14
Dark_Invasion_II_v2.14.w3x (3.6 MB)
- Released:
- March 3, 2010
- Downloads:
- 10,831
- Rating:
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- Opinion:
16 votes considered -
- Good
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- Top 100 March 4, 2010
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Just for anyone else looking to try out this map, it seems to crash for me on Mac. Yet another map that is best experienced in Windows.
Oh, and:
I am sorry to tell you all that this announcement concerns the current development of Dark Invasion 2. As you all might have guessed, judging by my absence here on the forums lately, development of Dark Invasion 2 has reached a stand still. The joy I experienced creating DI2 is not present anymore and while it is a pity, I do not want to continue working on it when the work itself becomes a bore. I realize I will disappoint a lot of players here, and for that I am sorry.
I talked this through with Pidda today and we've reached the conclusion that Dark Invasion 2.14 will be the last official version.
I would personally like to thank all you people and loyal fans who've enjoyed the DI series, it has given me great excitement to hear your opinions and stories. Also a huge thanks to Pidda and all fans, beta testers and people who've contributed to the game in one way or another.
If you're reading this and you are talented with JASS/vJASS, wc3-editing and have great motivation to continue the saga of Dark Invasion 2; contact me and if I see you suitable, you might receive the open-source file of the latest Dark Invasion 2 map, complete with documentation, beastiary, item lists, charts and all related files that is not available to the public.
So what will we do now? Both I and Pidda are pretty much busy at the time with work, studies and non-wc3 related activities. We might return and do a little less ambitious project for Starcraft 2; if that is the case, we will surely let you know! But for now, the World Editor will remain closed.
With this being said, the Dark Invasion forum will remain open for discussions and debate. And thank you all for showing great interest in our project :)
Kind regards
Arkan and Pidda.
It still says your the author. Here I was thinking you were for all this time? Who is the real author?
I hadn't noticed that I set "I am the map owner" when I uploaded this map. I'm not the author of this map =]
fixed now.
Ah, that's much more clear now. Maybe you could put the levels in the F9 thing next release?
if I'm not mistaken, at some level you get access to another magick point. Then you spend that point into the element you want, and then you'll be able to learn spell for that element (as long as you have the requirements).
But you'll have to purchase the spell at the store as well.
What does that mean? Do you need to get some sort of book/other item to have access to other magicks?
you must have access to second element before having a magick of that element
You can't, it only let's you buy any magic that your innate sorcery is. No others at all.
as far as I know, you must buy them at the store, like your first spell.
And how do you learn new types of magic?
This is actually a good map. Good units, semicomplex item system, good quests, and I still don't know A) how to get off the first island, B) why it has its name.
Yeah, its pretty much you either find some dedicated people or you don't play, since its on the impossibly hard level to kill anything solo, and new players will spend an hour figuring out how to play.
Personally, Ilearned how to play but the game really likes crashing completely, which in fact I'm downranking this map to a 3 now that I remember that, with fatal error bugs happening all the time, the game is near unplayable under certain conditions.
Good point.
I always play my ORPGs with my irl friends, because I can't stand solo players.
I believe that most of Dark Invasion players end up joining its community just because of what you pointed out.
This map is in fact a masterpiece, and a technical marvel, except its designed for a group, but no one online wants to spend an hour just figuring out HOW TO PLAY THE GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE.
This is the number one reason why the game was never a huge hit, and its disappointing because the game itself is amazing. It's definitely a perfect map, but I can't rate it that because its just too different from everything else, and it ends up being a bad thing because of it.
This is the second post, read the post below first
The game is very hard (both to stay alive and to get used to the strange menus) but it's a masterpiece nontheless. It's full of unique elements that even if you don't like ORPGs you'll probably like this one. I'd also say it's an example of a well made map: awesome tooltips, incredible unique systems, not a load of heroes (which means they're probably balanced) and a very solid gameplay. Congratulations to the men responsible for this map.
My badges for Dark Invasion II v2.14:

My review of Dark Invasion II v2.14
Dark Invasion is not just another ORPG like many others that simply fills the map area with a few cities and monsters, and let you level up until level 99 when you can finally retire from the game. No, this map is much more than that.
Unique multiboard-menu systems, nice music, LOTS of diffrerent spells, items and abilities, and the cherry at top: a secondary skill system.
Although it sure has some very unecessary custom textures all over the place, the gameplay experience sure worths a try. It may take a while to get used to all those complex systems, but they're so unique that they captivate you and make you want to learn how to use each one of them.
This game uses a different multiboard for each menu, supported by a key-detection system, that resembles the menus from the final fantasy series (awesome). The problem is that this seems to be overkill when all you want to do is to drink a potion from your backpack.
I can't say if the classes are balanced or not, simply because I would have to play them for a very long time, but they seem to be ok at early levels.