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- StarCraft 2 Beta Key Giveaway
If you're still one of the unlucky few to not have a beta account, here's your chance to win a beta key. How do you enter? Well, we'll keep this one simple. Reply to this article and tell us what you love, and what you hate about Nibbits. We're not looking for the best answers, but definitely will not be giving keys to the worst (and I dont mean worst, by you hurt our feelings). Just interested in general feedback and things you'd like to see over here.
Right now we have no keys to give away, but that may change and as they pile in we'll keep sending them out.
Winners so far:
- Author:
- dcramer 17
- Views (Total):
- 120,720
- Views (Daily):
- 15
- Posted On:
- May 18, 2010
- Opinion:
12 votes considered -
- Good
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Starcraft 2 Beta Keys
nooo. waaiiit.dont die.
blizzard needs you.
goodbye everyone goodbye....................*stabs the head*
No Betakey now I want to die*becomes a Zombie*
can some1 send a sc2 key on g0ndars@yahoo.com ?:) thx
What I love above Nibbits are the members. You have some great people here doing great things like the Starcrack Launcher and map packs (specifically Charlemagne's map pack).
Now I know I will never ever get a beta key also battlenet doesn't want to give, now I am very deperate! Good news here but I will never get a beta key so I want to grab 1!
The Good news about Nibbits is that it now provides all data except starcraft mods and the bad news is I have no faith in myself to win a beta key and I will never get a beta key till someone gives me!! I want to die already because of no beta key and is already 999% desperate and I am of couse a big gamer!
I love the different tools,replays and maps available at such ease. Easy to download, great user support and forums are extremely helpful. Regular updates and ratings keep everything "fresh". Personally for me the greatest advantage of this site is the trouble it saves us from confusing and complicated torrent download needed to keep our launchers updated so hats off to the nibbits team
What i don't like (or what i think needs work) is the lack of creative or interesting pictures and backgrounds. The background for each web page is pretty much the same with no pictures to give spice into this place. Other than that there should be a section for mods if possible but i don't really mind that.
Even if i don't get any beta keys i would still like to genuinely thank the Nibbits team and anyone else who contributed to giving us such a powerful tool
I like Nibbits because of the W3 maps. I've been playing that game for a long time and now i wanna try out the new starcraft. Another reason is that it's very simple to use.
yea but there is still only 1 weak left for beta and then like 1month break and then maby beta for 3weaks atleast ill exept it to be like this :) GJ those who got the key from this contest i just bought mine so :D
also I'm a singaporean
The Thing That is very good about Nibbits is that it provides most data from StarCraft, StarCraft II and WarCraft III.
The Thing bad is that Nibbits has no support for mods.
So, add a mod page.
Nice news ; ) I don't need a key ^^
I only found out about Nibbits when I was looking for a download for the StarCrackAI. Ever since then I've been coming back for updates for AllIn1 and currently is the only place I use for downloading Starcraft 2 maps.
The layout and sorting make it all that much more helpful for searching for a new map to play on. Nibbler is also a great tool that makes it that much easier to download and install the maps. It save a lot of time when you just feel like download spamming all the maps and replays you come by!
One thing I'd like to see though is the ability to sort by the number of players supported by the map.
Anyways, thanks for running such an excellent site!
Also! Awesome choice of using gravitar!
-Edit again-
But doesn't that get rid of the point of being able to spend gold on a custom avatar?
i love kittens :)
but seriusly i love nibiits couse i havent yet found another site to starcraft2 where there be so many helpfull info about it and how to play it ty nibbits for being here. And what i hate? i just hate that they dont give nibbits 1000 keys to give away
what i love ? the fact that Nibbits succeeds to keep up with Blizzard at gives unlucky players the chance to try SC2 , and i'll be with Nibbits even if i dont get a Beta Key.
what i hate ? i don't wanna lie , but i didn't find anything bad with Nibbits until now
what I love? this is the only site that gave me chance (files) to test out starcraft
what I hate? I wont getting a betakey from this contest
I just joined here, so here are some of my first impressions.
XP/Gold: I found the gold/xp system to be mildly confusing, and think that maybe you guys could make it easier to understand just what it's useful for.
Interface: Like others have said, the interface of the site is easy to understand. It's very clean looking, and when you're trying to get somewhere, you can get there.
Ads: I haven't seen any ads with scantily dressed women, which I'm grateful for. Others may disagree with me here, but I find that they distract from the main focus of the site, and whatever you're doing.
Announcements: The orange bars at the top are clear and concise.
Map browsing: You should probably put more of a description in on what the different map types are. Is defense referring to tower defense, or a normal game where you defend your base? I've found maps of both types there.
Downloading maps: Easy. Click the button, and it downloads. No hassle.
Colors: This is something kind of dumb to mention, but I will anyway. They don't clash. Some sites do, and you can't see anything and its distracting.
Comments: Its easy to see that you click in the box and start typing, then hit post comment, but why is there a preview box? Its like seeing my message cloned two inches away. I realize that using text formats will put code like <b> into your comment, but that really isn't in the way too much. I think that having a whole box next to the comment dedicated to showing you that this text will be bolded is a little tedious looking. It would be simpler to use some kind of text box that formats your text as you type it.
--end feedback--
Yes, it was kind of long. Those were my first impressions, the things that stood out.
I love the fact that I don't have to be a user to DL your content. Plus, the site is user friendly and it makes it that much easier to go about playing SCII.
what i love:
the simple design of the website.
u dont have to log in to download something or comment
huge database (maps... replays...)
every kind of tools
excelent support (if you have a problem with a tool for example they answer very quick)
u can see admins around making comments, posting maps, etc..
what i hate (mmm this is the hard part):
most maps are unrated or have too few rates (ye i know that its not the website fault but i just hate it)
thats all i guess :/
pd: srry for my bad english..
Nibbits is just pure awesomeness
The maps are clearly classified and easy to find
Furthermore the comments and the ratings of the maps are useful
The ranking system of the maps is a nice touch to the site
The only thing that i despise about this site is the very small population of people who gives harsh comments for not knowing something
But most of the other users try to help others like me which i am grateful for
Thats why i think this site is astonishing
What i love about Nibbits?
Well i love is that it´s nearly allways up to date on the latest maps and Launchers for the beta and the newest trainers.
I have experienced some difficulties when trying to get into the site sometimes.
// Keltus
I just like the simplicity of site compared to others
easy to browse and have all the source i need for one site
ah can't believe didnt notice that, well with that said that is a very helpful aspect of nibbits then, it will allow me to enter some edits for some older maps I saw on here that I have played before.
I like how Nibbits is very easy to use, it isn't randomly thrown together like some other sites that I know. Also, it doesn't take long to load on my rather slow connection. And lastly... Nibbler! =D
One thing that could be improved is the registration system; when I registered this account, I clicked submit and it took me back to the login/register page with no confirmation of whether or not it worked. So I tried to log in, and only then did it tell me that I needed to activate my account.
I also want to thank everyone for the amazing feedback. I take every suggestion and criticism seriously, and will definitely be reviewing some aspects of the site based on feedback here :)