- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Cops & Robbers AI 1.05
On one end stands the Powerful Justice force - The Police of Justice
, on the other end stands Evil Thieves Alliance
that can steal anything to strengthen their army. Who will prevail?
-am -ctf -ha -hm -nr -pm -qm -ra
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- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- AoS (Dota-like) Defense (Team) Role Playing (RPG)
- Author:
- -none-
- Filename:
- Cops And Robbers AI v1.05.w3x
- Latest Version:
- Cops & Robbers AI 1.05
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 484.1 KB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (49 votes, ranked #2) - Tags:
- aos, arena, cops, defense, dota-like, games, hero, heroes, playing, survivor, wars
- Players:
- 10
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 96x96
- Playable Area:
- 84x84
- Favorites:
- 3
- Downloads (Total):
- 71,627
- Downloads (Daily):
- 4 (ranked #16)
- Hosted (Total):
- 18
- Hosted (Daily):
- n/a
- Discovered On:
- Oct. 2, 2008
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Cops & Robbers AI 1.05
Cops And Robbers AI v1.05.w3x (484.1 KB)
- Released:
- Oct. 2, 2008
- Downloads:
- 75,300
- Rating:
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- Opinion:
49 votes considered -
- Good
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- Top 10 Oct. 3, 2008
- Top 100 Oct. 3, 2008
- 1,000 Downloads Oct. 3, 2008
- 10,000 Downloads Oct. 17, 2008
- Talked About Nov. 8, 2008
- Great Quality Nov. 19, 2009
- Featured April 1, 2010
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i just want to now how to install the map pls
it works fine for me
the AI usually stuck in their base...
Below are a few things that need to be fixed in this map. If you think this map is totally amazing because of the 56,000 downloads, your wrong.
Mega Bolt is way too strong. Death Stomp, Death Spirit and Death Roar are overpowered. Death Stun is very weak. It should also do 100 damage. Make all item-stealing items much, much more expensive. Item Dropper should cost at least 4000 coins, because with it you can steal all of your opponent's items. Decrease the gold gain from Sell Blood and Sell Mana. Remove some of the Shadow Orbs. Increase the time the Lumber Harvesters survive, but decrease the lumber they harvest. Say how much the Boots of Speed increase your movement speed by. Decrease the price of Dust of Appearance. Make Death Clap and Death Frost different than each other, each of them slow movement speed by 60% for 3 seconds. Increase the price of Viva la Assurance. Make more types of Boots that increase movement speed. Make the creeps that each base sends stronger. make the Scroll of Protection have a bit higher armor increase. These are SOME of the things that need to be improved.
The game is "unique", but since it is insanely imbalanced, I dislike it very, very much. After I try out all of the heroes, I can give you a big list of reasons I don't like this map.
IMHO, the terminator is not overpowered because if you compared the ultimate spell with the other heroes' ultimate spells (nuclear missle, particle cannon etc), the damages are almost the same too, right? Btw friendlyhost, why do you say that the map is nothing special, provided that there are many customized hero spells, item abilities, game modes? I think the concepts of changing portal directions and the special gateway connecting 2 bases are enough to make this AoS unique to others.
The Terminator hero is very overpowered. His Tower Defense spell should be much, much weaker. Also, his Repair spell shouldn't regenerate mana. This game is fun, but it is nothing special.
This game is very... "interesting". It is pretty unique, and I like the idea with the hero creeps. The bank idea was cool, but you should make the interested a little bit lower. It should also be much easier to get lumber. The way you pick a hero is a bad idea, you should have Taverns to pick your hero.
nice game.. i love it.. very creative!
This is mancream, nice...I rated 5/5 ;)
Guess that explains how this map has 55k downloads =/.
What about Police Catch Thief AI?
The AI in this version is strong enough..
The AI in this map is quite strong but still not perfect.. Can you make another version (AI+) with stronger AI? thanks!
So, when will the new version be released?? Is there any beta version??
I loved the Hostage Mode.. Please add more game modes..... thx
we're working on that.
this map is nothing special
to mecatronic:
shouldn't this map be unranked due to fraud?
Is the Double Heroes mode available in older versions too? it seems like I couldn't find it in v1.04
I think you can try to play double heroes mode, you should be able to choose 2 heroes to play.. :)
Can anyone tell me how to get double heroes in this map? thank u~!
how come there is no preview picture?
what is the cheat that we can always change allies????
cheats in cops n robbers ai 1.05 w3x nid help reply plzzz what activator this game