- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Road to War
Road to War is a Warcraft III custom map developed by PhantomTap.com
Genre: Action RPG
Players: 1-4
Synopsis: Choose a Hero and customize their set of abilities. Face a random sequence of ...
Road to War is a Warcraft III custom map developed by PhantomTap.com
Genre: Action RPG
Players: 1-4
Synopsis: Choose a Hero and customize their set of abilities. Face a random sequence of Boss controlled areas in cage match fashion. Defeat wave after wave of minions, level up, then take down each Boss as they come for you personally. Get in, rack up a major death toll, get your loot, and get out! Clear four Boss encounters before running out of lives to achieve victory.
-Customize the abilities of your Hero in-game! Choose a primary damage spell, support ability, and a passive utility skill to create a Hero that fits your preferred play style.
-Choose from 4 distinct difficulty settings (Easy, Normal, Hard, or Hardcore) and 2 alternate modes of play (battle your friends in PvP Mode or face a rapid chain of Bosses in Boss Rush Mode).
-Experience co-op gameplay that is balanced dynamically. Corresponding to the number of active players enemies receive an appropriately beneficial aura and additional units to keep the difficulty on par whether you're alone or supported by up to three friends.
-Overcome fierce and interactive Boss battles! Destroy enemy units with explosive barrels, avoid the repeating cannons of a battleship at sea, lead kamikaze units into their own comrades, take cover from devastating mana nukes, and much more!
-Arrive on the battlefield and make a pivotal choice about which side to take in the upcoming war: the mechanized Iron Legion or the magical Arcanis Imperium! With the support of either army turn the tide of battle and attempt to siege the enemy fortress to end the war forever!
-Every game is different! With random spawns, random drops, uniquely customizable Heroes, and different Boss sequences; no play-through is ever the same!
Special thanks to Paladon (this map utilizes his Knockback System) and all the testers who endured some of the rougher spots to help make this map what it is! Enjoy!
Check out the official Road to War page at:
See Road to War in action with this gameplay video:
Change Log
4/11/10 (Version 2.0)
-Added difficulty settings (Easy, Medium, Hard, and Hardcore) which are chosen in-game prior to starting the first encounter. The higher the difficulty chosen the less ...
4/11/10 (Version 2.0)
-Added difficulty settings (Easy, Medium, Hard, and Hardcore) which are chosen in-game prior to starting the first encounter. The higher the difficulty chosen the less effective Bottomless Healing Potions and Mana Nukes become. You will also begin with fewer lives on higher difficulty settings. The specifics are further explained in-game.
-Alongside the new difficulty settings are 2 new game modes: Boss Rush (a speedrun mode in which only Bosses are faced) and PvP (a short player vs player mode that sets Heroes at level 16 and pits them against one another in FFA arena-style combat).
-Added a new encounter, The Sanctuary, which is 1 of 3 possible second stages (selected at random).
-Added 2 new spells to Spell Shop #2: Illuminate and Natural Order.
-Removed Wish from Spell Shop #1.
-Added new level 6 abilities for the Wraith and Infected Pandaren: Torch Shot and Blitz.
-Decreased the stun duration and amount healed by the Harbinger's level 6: Darklight.
-Decreased the stun duration and damage dealt by the Devil Tamer's level 6: Dark Impact. However, the summoned unit's attacks now Cleave.
-Bone Gambler Fire Mages are no longer capable of damaging allies. Additionally, the fire left behind by their attacks, has a smaller radius and causes significantly higher damage.
-Bone Gambler Archers no longer have the Fever Pitch ability, but they attack much faster.
-Fever Pitch now causes the Hero to take 50% extra damage while active.
-Thunder Sweep, Wrath, Incinerate, and Ride the Lightning now receive bonus damage based on maximum mana.
-Limited the number of possible bounces that Incinerate and Ride the Lightning can achieve when striking Heroes.
-Burn the Dead, in addition to detonating nearby corpses, now summons an allied unit that slows enemies and explodes on death.
-Increased the chance for Coercion to activate when attacking enemy units and added a chance for it to deal extra damage when attacking enemy Heroes.
-Heart Thief awards 40% health and mana, instead of the regular values, when an enemy Hero is killed.
-Intensive Training now instantly awards attributes when an enemy Hero is killed.
-Increased the overall damage output of Firewall, Shards of Winter, War Cry, Whirlwind, Wrath, Pestilence, Quickfire, Spark Pulse, and Wind Armor.
-Decreased the overall damage output of Twitch Bolts, Surge, and Arcanist.
-Adjusted a number of spell cooldowns for the sake of balance across all game modes.
-Removed the walls surrounding the Summoning Beacons on the Battlefield and replaced the raised terrain formerly behind them with trees. Altogether this creates a wider combat space and allows for freer movement.
-Replaced the flying Iron Warbird units on the Battlefield with ground-based Iron Golems.
-Fixed an issue with overlapping Hero choices that could have potentially resulted in a player ending up without a Hero.
-Corrected Gate collision (so that attacking a Gate while appearing "inside" of it is no longer possible).
-Fire Wagons no longer explode on death.
-Increased the overall difficulty of the Final Boss encounters.
-Pulled Hailstone from Spell Shop #2.
-Removed Barb Skin from Spell Shop #3 to make room for some more interesting spells.
-New passive abilities: Arcanist, Cryo-Weapons, Profusion, and Wind Armor. Spell Shop #3 is now fully stocked.
-Intensive Training now adds 1 to your primary attribute for each player in the game, instead of a static 1.
-Fixed an issue where Heart Thief wouldn't proc off of certain spells.
-New level 6 ability for the Vanquisher: Sword Waltz (think D2 style Barbarian Whirlwind).
-Increased the cooldown on Shards of Winter by 4 seconds.
-Significantly increased the damage of Twitch Bolts and Wrath.
-Lowered the attack speed bonus of Fever Pitch from x3 to x2.
-Items now sell for 75% of their store value rather than 50%.
-The Pack Mule recall ability is now functioning properly.
-In order to reduce clutter and improve visibility, Battlefield units are now marginally smaller and have more subtle healing and attack animations.
-Lieutenant Deep (as well as Homunculi) now have slower more powerful regular attacks that cause knockback.
-The enemy Generals on the Battlefield encounter will now only surface when their respective Summoning Beacon AND Lieutenant are both dead. This prevents the possibility of facing an enemy General and their Lieutenant at the same time.
-Each General has had their life extended, their regular attack damage lowered, and been granted a new special ability.
-Each General's Armageddon ability now does double damage. When weakened they will occasionally follow it up by chain-casting slow on nearby players.
-Tired of wailing on those damn Stronghold Gates? Gates can now be damaged by spells in addition to regular attacks. Allied units will also assist with gate destruction when no other threats are present.
-Fire Wagon attacks no longer release exploding untargetable minions, but stationary fires instead.
-The Final Bosses now deal significantly less damage, but players will no longer receive periodic reinforcements from their chosen ally during the fights.
-Completely redesigned the Legion Highlord Boss fight. He now has 6 distinct special attacks: Flame Volley, Minions!, Fire Spawns, Heatwave, and Wall of Flame (as well as a knockback ability). The fight lasts longer and includes more frequent instances of resto runes as well.
-Getting stuck within the Legion Highlord's prisons is no longer possible.
-The Imperium Highlord Boss fight has also been significantly redesigned. His special attacks now include: Tree of Ice, Tree of Fire, Tree of Life, Tree of Death, Black Holes, and Earth Spirits.
-The Imperium Highlord's tree powers are no longer capable of firing after his death.
-Corrected the damage of Marrowstorm, which was temporarily exorbitant.
-Corrected a bug, which occasionally prevented the Beach encounter Boss from exiting his battleship.
-Whirlwind, Firewall, Shards of Winter, and several other spells will now accurately damage Taskmasters and Homunculi.
-Increased the health and spell resistance for Taskmasters in games of 3 and 4 players.
-Adjusted the gold formula, resulting in a large increase for gold accrued in multiplayer games.
-Fixed an issue that prevented the lower row of Factory furnaces from releasing their flames.
-Increased the radius of the General's devastating new spells.
-New spells: Marrowstorm, Shards of Winter, Twitch Bolts, and Wish.
-The spell formerly named 'Shards of Winter' has been renamed 'Hailstone'.
-Renamed 'Rolling Thunder' to 'Sweeping Thunder' and relocated it to Spell Shop #1.
-Renamed 'Skywrath' to 'Wrath' and switched it from targeting units to targeting a point. This ultimately makes the spell more versatile and easier to cast. Additionally, Wrath now has a chance to proc a 'double cast'.
-Removed Scatterwatt and Netherwave from the game. These were basic, less interesting spells, based off of Forked Lightning and Shockwave.
-Removed Corpse Explosion from Spell Shop #2 and reworked it into a passive ability called 'Burn the Dead' which is now selectable from Spell Shop #3.
-Added a new effect to Barb Skin. In addition to increased armor, and returning enemy melee damage, it also has a chance to repel attacking melee units with a knockback effect.
-Widened the Factory encounter area to allow for a little more room to breathe.
-Changed the golems that appeared in multiplayer games into more relevant units that vary based on the encounter location. These units are now called, 'Taskmasters'.
-Added a new devastating spell to each General in the Battlefield encounter. Be careful as you face them.
-Readjusted spawning durations and types of spawns in each Stronghold encounter, which are now more accurately based on the number of active players.
-Calibrated the life of Stronghold gates to be based upon the active number of players.
-Added a new devastating spell to the Iron Legion Highlord boss fight.
-Added a new enemy unit, the 'Fire Wagon' which creates lava spawns at the impact points of its attacks. The lava spawns are untargetable, briefly attack, then self-destruct. Avoid the spawns and destroy the Fire Wagons quickly to survive!
-All Shops in town have been reworked and restocked. New items are available at new prices and in new quantities.
-Fixed an issue that caused the Jungle encounter to spawn golems as allies rather than enemies in multiplayer games.
-Changed the labels on the Hero select screen to better reflect what individualizes each Hero.
-Spawns in the Iron Legion Highlord fight are now based on the number of active players.
-Added a new encounter, The Jungle, which is now 1 of 3 possible first stages (selected at random).
-Added a number of new ability icons, created by Crazyrussian.
-Skywrath no longer damages allies and now features additional spark animations.
-Renamed 'Force of Will' to 'War Cry' and fixed a bug which occasionally prevented War Cry from knocking enemies back as intended.
-Incinerate and Ride the Lightning will now bounce to targets previously hit if no others are available.
-Scaled back the total number of units on the Battlefield encounter and scaled up their life and damage to reduce potential lag when running RTW on less capable computers.
-Fixed a bug which prevented one of the final Boss doors from opening in certain instances.
-Made a number of changes to the Imperium final Boss to increase the difficulty of the fight more accurately based on how many players are left in the game.
-Returned Pestilence to its original non-targetable form.
-Increased the damage of Hailstone, Spew, and Whirlwind.
-Added missing Hero icons for death and pause screens.
-Lengthened each of the two possible final Boss battles.
-Added a map preview image, a new loading screen, and skins for each selectable Hero.
-Corrected a problem with Infected Pandaren and Devil Tamer spell casting animations.
-Further improved allied AI in each of the 2 possible Stronghold encounters.
-Improved allied AI.
-Corrected timer durations.
-Fixed a problem with an optional final Boss ability.
Reviews (Submit a Review)
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- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Role Playing (RPG)
- Author:
- PhantomTap 1
- Filename:
- RTWv2.0.w3x
- Latest Version:
- Road to War
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 3.4 MB
- Overall Rating:
5 / 5 (1 votes, ranked #322) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 4
- Teams:
- 6
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Playable Area:
- 116x116
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 3,519
- Downloads (Daily):
- 2 (ranked #134)
- Discovered On:
- April 12, 2010
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- Opinion:
1 vote considered -
- Neutral
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User Comments
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This game is pretty fun, imo...
I played this with my brother and I almost lost... Won with 0 lives left...
I think you should add more bosses, add more items, and a bigger map. I also like the variety from the normal "boss + creep." You added the "Choose Side" and the "Break the Wall, then the boss + creep."
But the game was pretty fast, from the MB the game was, I thought it would have been longer...
This map seems well thought out but at least in my experience not very well balanced for a single player game. The enemies just kept spawning as I died and I couldn't catch up from even one death.
Great fun. This map is really good except that it seems a bit overhard for single players.
This map is great. You can play it solo or with friends and the difficulty changes automatically. Really fast paced with customization and fun bosses. I think my favorite spell was the one with crazy AoE knockback, force of wills or whatever.